Start Weight: 226.0
Week 13 Weight: 210.4
Weekly Loss/Gain (+): 0.0
Program-to-Date (PTD) Loss: 15.6
% Weekly Loss/(Gain): 0
% PTD Loss: 6.90
Program Goal Weight Loss: 36.0
Program Goal % Loss: 15.9
A disappointing week to say the least... I almost went out and bought a new scale because I'm sure the one we have is broken. It registered the exact same as last week. I kicked it a few times and got back on, but still the same reading, so I scooped up Sara and got back on the scale and sure enough it registered 21 lbs higher to 231.4, so the scale must be in good working order, but I must not be. Even after the intervention of last week, and honestly cutting back on the AM/PM specials, still no loss. I may try varying the exercise routine and I will have to really watch what goes in the mouth. Thinking back on the week, I did consume some pretty big meals, and ate out too much.... so the numbers don't lie. The calendar has always been my friend, tomorrow is November 1st, and partly because of some e-mails I received this week and partly because I have a feeling some of you got to my AM/PM family, I am making a vow not to step foot in an AM/PM for the month of November and see if there's a corresponding weight loss. I know many of you may say that's a no-brainer, but I'm ready to see for myself and take the vow. I don't even know what the new monthly special is coming out tomorrow, but I must pay it no mind. Other than a no-weight-loss week, we all had a pretty good week... BV Freshman football game, Michael with his homecoming activities, and then the Halloween goings-on tonight made for a good week.
ROUTINE: Still at the work gym 5-6 days/week for about an hour.... about 15 minutes into it, it is all good. The first few days of the week I went back to the tuna delight, but I did do the monthly special a few times too. Here's an e-mail string... I'll conceal the names until the investigation is complete...
emailer #1: Hey Brian, I think a tuna sandwich with light mayo at Subway is a nice lunch alternative.... a very low cost and practical choice. You have no business in any AM/PM ever.
emailer #2: Good idea, and just think you can widen your social circle with new friends at Subway...
Me: thanks, but just a few issues:
1. a 6" tuna sandwich + 22 oz drink at Subway is $5.68 vs $2.29 for AM/PM special.
2. AM/PM is within walking distance, Subway is further away.
3. Clientele at Subway is a little too upper crust for me, me and the Harley mechanics got a good thing going at AM/PM.
4. No chance for a homemade Frito Pie at Subway
So... how do you explain the following events? I frequent the AM/PM on Monday, get my tuna makings and pay for my 44 oz refill (no sodas... 1/3 gatorade, 1/3 diet SOBE, and 1/3 lemonade.. not bad). Pat, the cashier, and the rest of the staff, greet me warmly... they invite me to the back (I decline) for some of Pat's birthday cake... we all exchange our usual pleasantries, and I'm on my way.... The above e-mail exchange takes place on Monday afternoon.... on Tuesday I'm back at the AM/PM, usual staff is there, but they all seemed to have cleared out when I got to the counter. They leave a newbie at the register... she gives me a cold-as-ice reception, then mumbles something about how I shouldn't be eating this stuff every day... that there are healthier alternatives....maybe Subway down the street....
I was not born yesterday.... I can connect the dots... but I do have a few questions...
1. Did my e-mailing "friends" somehow turn my AM/PM pals against me?
2. Do these friends have an interest in the Subway down the street?
3. Do they have my best interests at heart, or just messing with me?
So, my vow is no AM/PM or Subway for November..... maybe when December starts, I can maybe corner one of the AM/PM guys out back at the dumpster or something and get the real story... the things people think of...
ON THE BIKE: An honest thanks to those who send me Craigslist postings for bikes and for other accessories like different kinds of "bike tights" they wonder if I'll be using any time soon. I f gas prices keep rising for the forseeable, then I may be back in tights here real quick. Before I was blacklisted at the AM/PM, a guy at the counter in front of me pulls out not one, but two Benjamins for a full tank of gas in his SUV and for two cartons of cigarettes and gets back $2.92 in change. Biking was a great alternative to the car.... exercise, reduce my carbon footprint, save money, less wear and tear on the car, etc.... just one big drawback I can think of.... slipping on those spandex tights at 0545 on a 31 degree morning and hitting the road.....
ODDS N' ENDS: Michael had a great time at BV homecoming... a big thanks to the four other couples who went in the group and just had a good time together.... if any of you ever read this, Gail and I know you all are the best.
It is too bad though that the BV Freshmen lost to 0-7 Mira Loma.... varsity won and now faces Del Campo and Casa.... good luck. Arthur and Ro cheered me up with their eating adventures (veal brockwurst, hot vinagered German potato salad, apple struessel, peanut butter chocolate fudge, rocky road fudge, apple donuts, hot apple cider, and sour cream apple pie) at Apple Hill... said he had small portions though. Their boys are having great football seasons.... playoffs may be in the cards. Steven is about the same, long story there.... Gail will have to tell. Russell e-mailed a survey he took at school.... said he missed wrestling and Chinese food buffets as well spaghetti, lasagna, and pizza. Gail's getting a list ready for when he comes home for break. Here are some pics of the Halloween happenings.... all in all, a good week.
Q. I know you've done a weight loss program before... what worked?
A. It was too drastic, too fast, and I couldn't maintain. The goal this time is to keep the daily exercise going, but to develop good eating habits. One thing I'll go back to is keeping a loose food journal... I used to keep myself to around 1000 calories for breakfast and the work day, and then have a normal dinner... that was one thing to help monitor the intake. Thanks for asking. 'Til next week.