Start Weight: 226.0
Week 1 Weight: 222.8
Weekly Loss/Gain (+): 3.2
Program-to-Date (PTD) Loss: 3.2
% Weekly Loss: 1.42
% PTD Loss: 1.42
Program Goal Weight Loss: 36.0
Program Goal % Loss: 15.9
This picture is the worst one I've ever seen of myself... next week I will not smile at all so the cheeks won't bulge out so much.... don't know if that will help. I've got one fat face in all these pictures. Not blaming Hiroshi the photographer at all..... I'll wear the same shirt each week so we can see the gradual slimming of the love handles. Bob Lee threatened never to step foot in my house again if I went topless for the before and after photos... says he can never ever see any of that, even in jest, or for a good cause.
Week 1 is now done... only 21 more to go. I had quite a few unsolicited remarks about my creating a blog... most were remarks of surprise that someone of my age could successfully navigate the templates to get it done.... even my daughter Stacie in her testimony at church... and this is a direct quote, while sniffling with emotion the whole time, "I'm so grateful for my parents, they're always doing good things, trying to change their lives, my dad even started a blog...". So, there you have it... the community is officially surprised. I don't want to bore the few folks who might read this, so I 'll try and be somewhat brief... Format will be in sections: Results, On the Bike, Odds N' Ends, and FAQs... as always comments are appreciated.
RESULTS: I suppose just the new start and consciously laying off the high-calorie stuff got me the 3.2 lbs.. even though I did have about 1/3 of the Texas Sheet Cake at the Morford family reunion.
then mix all the condiments up with my can of tuna, go for a ride (or walk), do some reading and call it a lunch. Kids say it's tacky, white trash, etc... seems to work though, AM-PM folks know me pretty well. This picture shows my preferred diet for the week while at work
.... anyone guess at what doesn't belong in the pic? (pic) I've been at the work gym every day before work, 45 minutes/day. The Lifecycle machine says I burn about 800 calories in 45 minutes... if that's legit, does anyone know if that's a wussy workout or not?
I train between levels 11 and 16, problem is I'm going to get tired of it in another week or so. (pic) Actually, Michael's been an inspiration... he's lost about 30 lbs in about 8 weeks (pic)..... I know it'll get tougher here on out, but it's good to have a decent start. I'm shooting for a sub-220 by next week.
On the Bike: I borrowed Hiroshi's from work... it's not gonna be a good fit, just not the right "geometry" as the bike people say. Scott (birthday lunch this week)
offered one of his bikes for a loaner... I may go take a look, but Steve at work has the one I really need. He's off this week, so I'll post a picture of it next week... so we all can fall in love together. I rode it around the parking lot a bit.... just very sweet.... feels like you can ride like the wind forever. Anyway, I cashed Grandma Pat's b-day check, took the change jar to Wells Fargo, had another small rebate check.... and I came up with $324 for the bike fund. Still a ways to go.... a thanks to those who sent me Craigslist postings, bike websites, etc... if something pops out as a great deal, I'd consider the used route... keep the suggestions coming.
More stolen bike news: Wendy and Sara found my helmet at the end of the road in some bushes in front of a house.
No sign of the bike. Wendy, Sara, and I dusted for prints, and there were some hair samples we collected and sent off to the crime lab. Now awaiting the results. Pure conjecture has my bike in South Sac somewhere... ladies at work didn't appreciate the South Sac reference, just as well could be Aiden from Granite Bay taking my bike as Jose from South Sac their thinking went.... I had no response to that. I do miss the bike rides, planning on researching the bike thing more this weekend.
ODDS N' ENDS: Steven leaves the MTC for Mexico this next Monday the 13th... we've had some great letters from him. We'll send out his address when we know it...... Glad Barry is done with 756, now maybe the Giants get something going, won't be this year.... we were at a neighborhood watch meeting last night (they didn't want to hear about a bike theft, only if we knew of any robberies, murders, etc...) a man from the county said the Gum Ranch single-family home subdivision behind us is dead for now, market conditions are such that... yada yada. Current idea is to build an assisted-living complex for older folks, from 1500-2000 units.. still has to be re-zoned, environmental impacts, etc.... more meetings to come on that. That's it.
1. Q. Do you wax/shave your calves and/or shins? They look so smooth...
A. No... my calves are so muscular they chafe against my pants and rub the hair off. Thanks for asking.
2. Q. Do you/will you re-touch the photos you show us here? How can we tell you are the real thing?
A. I am who I am... no re-touch necessary... I do have independent verifiers for my weigh-ins however. I can give their credentials if you wish.
3. Q. I've heard you dis the Weight Watchers (WW) program as being for "sissies" and for those "who can't do it on their own".... needing a "pat on the back for every two ounces lost", etc... Um, aren't you doing the same thing here virtually? Soliciting kudos for every life movement?
A. Uh............ nothing against WW... , whatever works... I don't recall saying that stuff, can't confirm or deny... have a great week.
Way too long this time.... 'til next week. Thanks for the comments, suggestions, and FAQs.
I have so much to say that I don’t even know where to start. I’m remembering a conversation we had last week...
Dad: “Did you read my blog?”
Me: “Yes”
Dad: “You didn’t make any comments.”
Me: “I didn’t know what to say.”
After reading this week’s blog, it seems that my father is so desperate for comments that he has taken my testimony remarks out of their true context to try to rile me up. It worked because I’m generally sensitive to any hints that would suggest I’m, in any way, a ditz. I suppose I’ll begin with defending myself and setting the record straight. Most people reading this blog would think that I talked about your blog over the pulpit. To every FOBS out there – this was not the case!
So, here is my soap box: I pretty much hate it when people get up and in their testimony talk about how wonderful their family is, how great their parents or children or husband or siblings are to them. Sorry, that that is not a real “testimony.” How about we hear that you are grateful to God for having been blessed with good relationships with your family members… So, I balk at the thought that you’ve cast me in the same light as that one girl in the movie The Singles Ward where she is openly weeping at the pulpit on fast Sunday…”I love my roommates with every fiber of my being…” What about the girl across the way that hates her roommates but still has a testimony of Jesus Christ and the restored gospel? I don’t think she is getting edification out of the roommate love fest. But, alas, I digress.
So, with such a disclaimer behind me, yes, I was sniffling with emotion because I was overcome with gratitude for my family and for the blessings we’ve received as a family and as such, I thought it would be appropriate to mention the blog as I thought it summed up nicely what I was trying to say and most of the people in that room were a FOBS. No, it was not over the pulpit during Sacrament meeting, but in the small setting of the Bishops office during third hour after Russell was ordained as an Elder. There were about 15 people there, almost all of whom were family or intimately connected with our family. As the Bishop had asked me to share my testimony, at one point I was trying to convey that I was grateful that I didn’t have parents that just accepted life as it came and were willing to keep going, to keep changing, to keep evolving. They haven’t settled down into the stagnant reality of “this is my life, now I JUST have to endure to the end.”
This brings me to the second thing I’d like to say. You asked for constructive criticism. You said whatever it was, that you could take it.
So, truth be told, Dad - I’m proud of the fact that you are always seeming to want to do better and be better. But, in reference to this, I have to make a public comment that might be a hard blow. What is going to happen on January 3, 2008? You said you were keeping up this blog at least through January 2. What I mean to say is that you’ve done this before. We all know you can do it. You won the cash pot at work last year. Is this going to be a recurring theme in the Sprague household? Lose weight, gain it, lose it again, gain it again. (I’m talking just as much to myself as I am to you.) I have no doubt that you can weigh 190 by January 2. But what about having a plan or a goal to stay there and NEVER see the 200’s again? I’m talking about making small but steady changes that you can stick with over time. You said that “week one is now done – only 21 more to go.” To go until what? Until you’re done? I think you’ve shown us all that you believe that you’re never done until you’re done, if you know what I mean. So, I’m happy to cheer you on until January 2, but I think you are still going to need cheering on January 3rd and beyond.
Wow. That was heavy. Sorry for getting so serious, but that’s what came to mind this morning.
Well, I'm very proud of you for doing this--it's sounds like you are doing it the right way--by exercising along with diet. Back when I was a lard ass, I concentrated only on diet and then when I got to 10# away from where I wanted to be, all the weight loss stopped and nothing I could do, diet-wise, would get those last 10#. So now I am really trying to get motivated and get on my exercise bike (Schwinn Air-Dyne, vintage 1989--but it cost me $1000 back then and it still works. Maybe I can get my last 10 by the time you reach your goal?
whoa.... here comes Stacie!! I thought she gave a great testimony... yep, it was in the Bishop's office, but a testimony nonetheless... and it was funny she mentioned the blog. As for what I'm doing on January 2, 2008... have my last program weigh-in, go to work, get on with my daily routine, since that is a Wednesday. Friday, I'll get a Mountain Mike's pepperoni and mushroom pizza, maybe watch the BCS championship game... then ponder on what we want to make of the new year and go for it... all of that is not a foregone conclusion I'll be at 190 by then, but I'll be closer then than I am now... to Randy who'll be 50 on 8/15, you look like you've been the same weight at least for the last several years.. I know it takes effort and consistency... we'll be in Provo in a few weeks..and make a point to get together with Scott, Maran, Hannah, and Andrew.
Mountain Mike's? You are blessed to live where there is a Round Table. I would put that in my testimony. We are excited to see you come visit, but I am assuming this means no Tucanos. Tell everyone to come, and not be so lame this time. Good luck, I wish I had the motivation to lose weight, maybe drop 20 lbs. Maybe I will just fast every time the Kings lose this season. I will hit that goal in no time.
hey Scott... I was this close to calling you on this blog stuff... it'd be nice to have a decent look to it... like YOURS!! Wendy and Michael will be in school when we take Russell back, so it's just me, Gail, and Sara... as boring as that is. Russell will spice it up. Tuscanos? See how many birthday cards you can put together.... then again, that would be a 5-lb night for me. Take care.
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